Our little girl is growing up so fast!!

She finally started crawling two weekends ago... and boy is she on the move! She is everywhere now! She loves to crawl!! She even wakes us up in the middle of the night and starts crawling and rolling all over the bed, . I guess what they say is true "Practice makes perfect!" ha ha. Bella's Mommy and Daddy sure don't appreciate that wake up call though! :)

She also is learning to say "Mama-mama-mama" which she says over and over and over and "Poppa!" when she feels like it and "Bu bye" and waves her hand. She also smacks her lips like she is sending kisses, which of course melts our hearts.

Isabella has become a fan of swimming!! She has swam a few times this past summer and absolutely adores it. She is like a fish! She loves to splash and kick and get her face wet. She is a real life mermaid!

Ahh.. Our little princess is getting so big so fast... it makes me sad!


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